Gemini Extension: Google AI To Take Over Your Android Phone

Gemini Extension: Google AI To Take Over Your Android Phone 

In the latest blog, Google promised the Gemini extension and therefore, it will no longer remain a mere chatbot as this AI tool will soon take over your Android phone. This upgrade will centrally and pervasively embed AI add-on modularity throughout more apps apart from Gmail and YouTube. 

How Gemini Extension Will Work in Your Smartphone  

Gemini will integrate itself with different workspaces like Google utilities, tasks, keep in addition to other apps like Gmail, Maps, and YouTube. 

The basic concept is that, after user’s permission, it will be able to transfer information from one application to another without user requiring to scroll and find it. 

For example, if an Android user clicks the picture of a concert’s entry passes, it will automatically be visible as a reminder in the calendar app. 

The Benefits You Will Get with Gemini Extension 

It will surely deliver various advantages including; 

  • You will get peak efficiency in generating content, drafting messages, and scheduling events. 
  • It will make your smartphone smarter with intelligent app switching and advanced voice commands. 
  • It will pave the way for new apps powered by advanced AI that will work with short commands like gestures. 

Cautions Ahead: Once Upgraded You Can Not Escape…! 

As the updates will roll out, probably there won’t be any option to opt-out and disable all AI functions from your phone. 

This can be worrisome because it can lead you to issues like; 

  • Privacy Issues: The AI integration will happen on the app level rather than on smartphones. Therefore, whether you want it or not, it can access all the data of your Gmail, YouTube, and general internet browsing. 
  • Overdependence on AI: Using it for everything can make user over reliant on it, which can damage their problem-solving skills. 

In Conclusion: Is Gemini Extension All Well and Good?  

Google is on its way to making the Gemini extension the flagship feature of upcoming Android 15 phones.  However, it will face challenges in keeping the privacy of its users, which as of now looks virtually impossible. 

Therefore, those who love Android devices and want to keep AI out of them may need to bite the Gemini bullet. 

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