Elon Musk’s Future: What is Next After US President Election
From last few weeks, Elon Musk is warning people of the USA about the consequences of Kamala Harris winning the US President Election 2024.
He has said many times that if she won, he and his companies would have to face the wrath of openly supporting Trump.
However, according to business experts and political and academic personalities, he and his companies will get no big harm irrespective of the results.
Musk’s Political Influence: Strong Governmental Partnerships
His over-the-top support for Donald Trump to secure his presidency has made the headlines on social and print media. However, his success does not solely depend on his political shifts.
His two notable companies SpaceX and Tesla Motors are working for groundbreaking developments in the field of space, technology, and automation that already have huge government MOUs and other legal contracts even though the current US Government is led by Democrats.
His Ventures: Public and Investors Support is Very High…!
His open support for Trump’s presidency has gained mixed support from the audience but his companies enjoy comfortable support both from the public and the investors.
Both companies have already displayed the resilience and adaptability to lead the industry with their dominance and advanced innovative capabilities.
Whoever comes into the Government, it is nearly impossible for him or her to displace Musk’s business due to its strong foundation and high demand.
Regulatory Changes: Musk Knows How to Dodge Them
Trump’s victory will prove beneficial to him, and he can get considerable regulatory benefits but, past experiences reflect that his companies have successfully dodged regulatory challenges by adapting to the changing political dynamics. There is no reason why they will not do it this time too if Harris wins the election.
In Conclusion: Elon Musk is Winning No Matter Who Wins the Election
While Elon Musk’s investments for Trump’s victory are evident, his companies’ future is bright irrespective of the election results.
Therefore, whether he becomes successful in his mission or not, his business will continue to grow due to strong foundations and huge demand for innovation in technology.